Stable Coin Development

Tap into the stable crypto world to hedge yourself against volatility

Stablecoin Development Services

A stable coin is a cryptocurrency that is pegged to another stable asset, such as the U.S. dollar, precious metals and other cryptocurrency. It is a global currency, but not tied to any central bank and has low volatility. The size of stablecoin market currently is close to $3 billion, which is 2.7% of the total market value of all crypto assets.

At Block Finch, we help you tap into the billion-dollar stable coin market with our strategically designed stable coin development services. Our global team of stablecoin development experts provides a host of offerings – including white paper creation, stable coin development, landing page design and marketing – to help in stablecoin adoption. From ideation through to development and launch, our stablecoin development company equips you with the guidance you need at every step to accomplish your goals and drive measurable business results.

Why Stable Coin Development

No Volatility

Stablecoins are backed by real-world securities owing to which their price remains relatively unaltered. This helps businesses to sustain in the ever-changing monetary values.


Assets with liquidity forge a path for secure and accelerated fundraising. In a scenario when the price increases, more stablecoins are minted to control the stability.

Widespread Integration

Being immune to volatility, stablecoins enjoy mainstream adoption and widespread acceptance by crypto exchanges. They can be easily traded at various exchanges worldwide.

Transparent Transactions

Being immune to volatility, stablecoins enjoy mainstream adoption and widespread acceptance by crypto exchanges. They can be easily traded at various exchanges worldwide.

Best Stablecoin Development Services

We harness our deep domain knowledge and rich experience to offer top-notch stablecoin development solution to our clients.


Fiat-collateralized Stablecoin Development

Fiat-backed stablecoins are relatively stable as they have the authority of the government. They are:

  • Centralized,
  • Demand trust
  • Require strong regulation and auditing

Such coins are easiest to understand for the noobs, and are a popular option to penetrate the crypto world. Our stablecoin development agency specializes in building stablecoins backed by different fiat currencies like USD, Euro, GBP, and more.

Crypto-collateralized Stablecoin Development

Cryptocurrency-backed stablecoins are backed by a combination of other decentralized crypto assets. They are:

  • Decentralized in consensus,
  • High in liquidity
  • Super efficient
  • Transparent

However, since they backed by cryptocurrencies, these coins are volatile. On the flip side, they are not vulnerable to a single point of failure. Our crypto-backed stablecoin development process includes smart contract development.

Commodity-collateralized Stablecoin Development

Commodity-collateralized coins are backed by precious metals like gold, silver, and more, and are much likely to be inflated than fiat backed stablecoins. Their value is fixed by one or more commodities and redeemable for more or less on demand. Such coins are:

  • Stable and trustworthy
  • Centralized
  • Need auditing

As an experienced stable coin development company, our expertise lies in building stablecoins backed by valuables like diamonds, gold, silver, real estate, and more. Fuel your asset-backed cryptocurrency development process with industry experts

Non-collateralized Stablecoin Development

Also referred to as Seigniorage-style Stablecoins, non-collateralized stablecoins are backed by an algorithm to create and maintain currencies totally dependent on demand and supply to keep the value of the currency constant. They are:

  • Centralized
  • Stable
  • Not backed by any real-world asset

Although this type of stablecoin is effectively untested in practice, its potential and promise has aroused interest and some serious entrants are beginning to embrace non-collateralized stablecoins.

Gold Backed Stable Coin Development

A new opportunity amid the pandemic

Gold has always been a safe haven in times of crisis. Today, as the world is facing unprecedented health and economic crisis, gold-backed stablecoins are seen as an excellent option to achieve financial stability. A large number of investors are putting their money into stablecoins instead of actual gold. This is viewed as an “opportunity in tragedy”.

At Blockfinch Solutions, we help you capitalize on this opportunity with our customized gold backed stablecoin development services. We harness our real-world experience building gold-backed stablecoins to navigate your coin development journey. Together, with a team of subject matter experts and seasoned blockchain developers, we provide a host of offerings – from coin conceptualization and smart contract development to coin development and launch.

Tap into the flourishing stablecoin market with our gold backed stable coin development services and create new revenue streams for yourself.

Solutions that Fuel your Stablecoin Development Journey

Apart from stablecoin development solution, we offer other services to navigate your stablecoin journey towards success.

White Paper Creation

Our technical content writers create clear, crisp and concise white paper depicting the real-world problem that your business is solving and how. Our white papers are a result of adequate research, market knowledge and insights. Once the content is created, our designers design the white paper to make it more attractive for your target audience.

Stablecoin Consulting

Solidify your strategic decisions and achieve exceptional results with independent advice and support from our industry experts. We help you create a roadmap to success with our technology research, market analytics, and forward-thinking insights. Achieve better business outcomes and nurture your business growth.

Stablecoin Marketing

We leverage multi-channel marketing to deliver powerful brand messaging across relevant marketing channels. This incorporates creating a differentiated and adaptable content marketing strategy, leveraging SEO (Search Engine Optimization), SMO (Social Media Optimization), paid marketing and crafting personalized videos. All our activities are aligned with your goals to drive customer conversion.

Talk to Our Experts

We are available for a friendly chat to discuss your business needs, no obligation.