Smart Contract Audit Company

Secure your Blockchain Projects with Our Unparalleled Smart Contract Audit Services

Smart Contract Audit: Ensure Security and Compliance for your Applications

Amid the rising trust issues in the digital world, businesses have started utilizing smart contracts development services to enhance the security quotient. However, a small error while writing and deploying smart contracts can result in huge financial losses. This is where the concept of smart contracts security audit comes into the picture.

At Block Finch, our Blockchain experts harness their experience and expertise to audit smart contracts for existing and potential errors, security flaws, compilation issues, and more to ensure the quality of the code.

Facts & Statistics: Why do you Need Smart Contract Audit Services?

  • 48 major attacks were monitored in the Web3 space, with total losses of approximately $718.34 million in the second quarter of 2022.
  • By project type, DeFi continues to have the greatest rekt frequency and approximately 79.2% of attacks occur in the DeFi domain.
  • By chain, the greatest loss in the second quarter was on Ethereum, $381.35 million. The most frequently attacked chain was the BNB Chain, with 26 exploits.
  • Only 52% of the attacked projects were audited.
Such statistics make a very sound case for crypto giants to get smart contract audit services from a trusted smart contract auditing firm.

Get your Smart Contracts Audited Conveniently

Our Smart Contract Audit Services

Being a reputed smart contract audit company, Block Finch offers end-to-end smart contract audit services to help businesses of all sizes
launch highly secure and error-free Blockchain applications.

Smart Contract Audit

We follow advanced smart contract audit practices to audit smart contracts for potential errors and help you bring security to your Blockchain application so that you can save your money and time in the long run. We regularly scan smart contract code to help you maintain the security of your Blockchain application throughout future development cycles.

Complete Security Assessment

Our smart contract auditors monitor your application for watertight implementation of their business logic and ensure to execute industry-grade security mechanisms. We thoroughly monitor and review every bit of code to find all possible ambiguities that cyberattacks might exploit.

Threat Modeling

We help our clients identify security requirements & entry points for potential hacks, quantify threat and vulnerability criticality, visualize the project’s attack surface, and update the threat model for risks that may evolve in the future.

Comprehensive Audit Reports Creation

We prepare comprehensive audit reports that comprise vulnerability details with specific reference to relevant portions of your application. Our smart contract auditors prepare a detailed executive summary of the project along with mitigation guidance after a deep smart contract audit.

Enterprise Security Counseling

Our skilled team of smart contract security audit experts back enterprises at all stages of the Blockchain development lifecycle with a full suite of services such as smart contract auditing, smart contract testing, scheduled auto scans, and more.

Get Our Comprehensive Smart Contract Audit Services

Blockchain Platforms We Audit

We conduct multi-faceted smart contracts security audits on popular Blockchain to help you launch an error-free smart contract application on your favorite platform.










Hyperledger Fabric





Type of Projects That Need Security Audit

Whether it’s about performing Metaverse smart contract audit or DApp smart contract audit, our ingenious audit practices coupled with
thorough review from our subject matter experts ensure that your project is high on security and performance.

DeFi Smart Contract Audit

We provide DeFi smart contract audit services for DeFi projects that are expected to handle a huge amount of players or transactions worth millions of dollars.

dApp Smart Contract Audit

Block Finch specializes in securing complex dApp codebases and delivering permissionless, secure, and immutable decentralized applications.

NFT Smart Contract Audit

Our committed team of NFT smart contract audit experts ensures that your funds are safe and you get the required NFT verification stamp.

ICO Smart Contract Audit

Our experts perform ICO smart contract audit to make sure that the soft cap, hard cap, and other functionalities remain unaffected after the token sale.

Decentralized Application Audit

Apart from auditing the Blockchain side of the application we have experts for auditing the front end and the back end of any decentralized application.

Blockchain Protocol Audit

We provide Blockchain protocol audit services to ensure that your protocol is more secure and resistant to real-world cyber attacks.

Our Smart Contract Audit Process

The smart contract audit process followed by our smart contract security developers ensures that your smart contract is credible at the core.

Introductory Client Consultation for Requirement Gathering

Conditional Code Testing

Business Logic Verification

Final Audit Report Creation & Delivery

Static & Dynamic Code Analysis

Executing various analysis processes and performing code reviews using automated tools having more than 150 vulnerability detectors, to identify:

Manual Code Verification

Initial Audit Report Submission and Bug Fixing

Consult our Experts to Know More About our Audit Process

Industries We Serve

Enterprises have started leveraging audit services from renowned audit companies at the best smart contract audit cost amidst the rising trust issues. Block Finch, is one such organization that has been providing smart contract audit services to its clients at the most affordable smart contract audit price over the past couple of years.

Banking and Finance

Real Estate

Transport & Logistics



Media & Entertainment

Why Must you Prefer Block Finch as your Smart Contract Audit Company?

By partnering with Blockfinch, you can rely on a team of multidisciplinary smart contract auditors with real-world experience creating success stories.


Expert Review

Post-launch Support

Agile Development Process

Confidentiality Agreement

Multidisciplinary Team

Our Partners

Our Clients

Frequently Asked Questions

Blockchain works on a peer-to-peer network of consensus algorithm, which makes the transactions trustworthy and protects them from malicious activities of any third party.
DescriIt is a blockchain-enabled network wherein consensus over unknown nodes is gained over the system of distributed network. Most popular consensus algorithms are POS & POW. option
Blockchain acts as a structured database on a decentralized ledger technology. It is immutable in nature, signifying that once the data has been entered, it cannot be tampered with. Users have full anonymity and blockchain also overcomes the problem of double spending.
The main type of blockchain can be classified as public blockchain, private blockchain and hybrid blockchain. Public blockchain is an open network from where data can be accessed freely while a private blockchain is a permissioned network where a user needs to join the network to access the data. Hybrid blockchain is a mix of above two.
Blockchain technology provides the benefits of faster transaction settlement with improved transparency, security and traceability of transactions. It also improves efficiency of transactions thereby reducing the cost.

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