Blockchain Development for Healthcare

Build a better healthcare infrastructure governed by blockchain-based networks and eliminate issues of fraud and expensive treatments.

Putting Healthcare over Blockchain

The pandemic crumbled the world’s best healthcare systems because they were running on disconnected networks with inefficient visibility. Using the power of decentralization, Block Finch aims to resolve these issues through optimal use of blockchain for healthcare development services.

Deploying medical systems over a decentralized network empowers the authorities to take smarter decisions and fight a pandemic like event with more preparedness.

Why do we need Blockchain in Healthcare?

Insufficiency in cross-vertical data sharing due to siloed storage and management of medical records.

Despite agile processes, healthcare institutions, pharmaceutical vendors and other stakeholders in the healthcare ecosystem operate in silos and thus lack in-the-moment updates. Such insufficient interoperability puts high volume of healthcare metadata vulnerable to duplicity and frauds. Blockchain development for healthcare is changing this by addressing the following key lapses:

  • Patients are bound to avail medical services that are irrelevant to their current care.
  • Physicians have to spend additional effort to access, browse, and understand the medical history of a patient. It poses risk of inaccurate decision making in emergency cases.
  • Poor tracing of first & last mile delivery verticals causes rise in influx of fake drugs in the stores. These are even more dangerous when active ingredients are altered or in unauthorized proportions.

Crusading the Adoption of dApps in Healthcare

Block Finch has proven expertise in building custom blockchain platforms for a range of verticals in the healthcare and insurance domains. By deploying end-to-end healthcare processes over blockchain, we are accelerating the adoption of dApps and making healthcare services more accessible to all. In the wake of the ongoing circumstances, the following blockchain use cases can produce a revolutionary impact:

Fastened Vaccine Distribution Over Blockchain
Electronic Health Record (EHR) Management
Data Ownership & Consent Management
Drugs & Products Tracking Over Blockchain
Automated & Timely Payouts
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Smart contract Development for Healthcare

Smart contracting is an integral part of building automated processes over a decentralized network. For the healthcare vertical, Block Finch has successfully enabled speedier and more efficient medical processing thereby assuring a secured ecosystem of patient lifecycle – from admission to discharge.

Data Security
Assure data integrity across multiple parties
Reduced Costs
Improved Validation and Authentication
Assure data integrity across multiple parties

Why Choose Blockfinch for Blockchain in Healthcare?

Mission-driven services
Technology-agnostic solutions
Accelerated time-to-market
Reduced development cost
Round-the-clock support
15+ years of technical experience

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